Cаse/Scenаriо 1 (SAME SCENARIO FOR SCENARIO 1) Unit Gоаls: • Students will analyze the qualities оf a good friend. • Students will read about a variety of friendships, from destructive to healthy, and make connections between literature and real-life experiences. • Students will write a comparative essay about the similarities and differences between healthy and destructive friendships. Project Directions: A primary assignment in Ms. Manning’s friendship unit involves students responding to two texts: Give a Boy a Gun by Todd Strasser and Freak the Mighty by Rodman Philbrick. The friends in Give a Boy a Gun have a destructive relationship that culminates in a school shooting and massacre. The friends in Freak the Mighty are an unlikely pair who share a mutually rewarding friendship, even though they are very different. After reading and discussing each of the texts form a variety of perspectives and levels, the students are given an assignment to reflect on the friendships in the literature and to write a series of five to seven interview questions to ask a peer and a family member about friendships – both destructive and healthy ones. Project Assessment Criteria: Ms. Manning established the following guidelines for an exemplary comparative essay: 1. Three to four in-text citations about Freak the Mighty and Give a Boy a Gun that use quotation marks and other punctuation properly and include a page number. 2. Your interpretation of or personal connection to each in-text citation and an explanation of why you included these specific quotes. 3. Five to seven interview questions that pursue deeper, higher-level understanding of destructive and healthy friendships. 4. Conducted interviews with a family member and a peer (evidence of interview notes attached). 5. Typewritten, double-spaced, two-paragraph comparative essay. The first paragraph describes the nature of healthy friendships with details/supports from the texts and interviews. The second paragraph describes the nature of destructive friendships with details/supports from the text and interviews. Question 3: (2 points) – Would this comparative essay be considered a formative or summative assessment? Justify your answer.
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