Adjustments fоr Jаnuаry 2021 thаt were nоt entered intо the Creditors Control account and/or individual accounts of the creditors in the Creditors Ledger: The Creditors Control column in the CJ was posted to the Creditors Control ledger account as R40 360. (It was understated.) The CAJ's totals were never posted to the General Ledger. The Creditors Control column in the CPJ was incorrectly posted to the credit side of the Creditors Control account. Cheque no. 24 given to Pete's Baking Supplies, valued at R5 000, was never entered into the journals or Creditors Ledger for Pete's Baking Supplies. A 5% discount was granted. All transaction that follow will not affect the Creditors Control ledger account. • Stock was returned to Micra Wholesalers valued at R1 350. This was not entered into their account in the Creditors Ledger, but all other entries were correctly recorded. • Credit purchases of stock from The Plastic Warehouse were never recorded. The stock had a selling price of R18 460 and a 10% trade discount was received. • A C/N received from The Plastic Warehouse for R600 was entered into the Creditors Control but incorrectly recorded in their account in the Ledger as R800. • Fitz Bakery reduced their debt with The Plastic Warehouse by R20 000. Sally had negotiated a 2% discount before paying the balance. This transaction was never recorded in the Creditors Ledger of The Plastic Warehouse. REQUIRED: 2.1 Show how the Creditors Control balance is adjusted and that its balance is the same as the total of the Creditors List (descriptions of the adjustments are not required). 7 2.2 Complete the Creditors List for the month ending January 2021. 9 2.3 Name two internal controls that Sally could put in place to ensure that source documents are not lost or misplaced, resulting in inaccurate financial records. 2 2.4 Comment on how well Fitz Bakery is managing their debt, both from debtors and to creditors. Quote specific figures to substantiate your comments. 4 2.5 Fitz Bakery sends their debtors’ statements each month and makes telephonic calls to the tuck shops when a payment is not received every month. She applies the credit terms, as noted in the Information Booklet, accurately. Suggest one other thing that Fitz Bakery could do in order to get their debtors to pay more regularly. 1 2.6 Sally Fitzhenry is of the opinion that she does not need to reconcile her bank account with the statement received from CBM Bank on a monthly basis. 2.6.1 Explain to her why it is essential for her to do a bank reconciliation. 1 2.6.2 Provide one example of information that would only be found on the bank statement, which the business would not know of unless they did a bank reconciliation. 1 [25]
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6.а Wir stellen den Tisch in dаs Zimmer.6.b Wir [11] den Tisch in dаs Zimmer [12].