Research indicates that, among those who are high in extrave…
Research indicates that, among those who are high in extraversion, a sense of humor acts as a buffer against depressive symptoms. As such, you could say that the relationship between a sense of humor and depression depends on trait extraversion. This is an example of _______________.
Read DetailsDr. Metropolis has developed an objective measure to determi…
Dr. Metropolis has developed an objective measure to determine whether participants are more “city people” or “rural people.” To do this, he generated a list of items that seemed like they’d capture the construct of interest. After collecting data from 100 participants, he factor-analyzed the data to see (1) which items grouped together, and (2) if the items that grouped together shared an interpretable common theme. What methods of objective test construction did Dr. Metropolis use?
Read DetailsAs a researcher, I’m looking to understand the characterizat…
As a researcher, I’m looking to understand the characterization of the whole person. To do this, I look for consistently occurring patterns of traits to figure out how many different types of people there are. I conclude that one meaningful group can be consistently characterized as high in identification with all humanity, high on agreeableness, and high on conscientiousness. The other meaningful group can be consistently characterized as low on all of these traits. I have utilized the ______________ approach to reach this conclusion.
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