A medical technologist performing routine blood analysis as…
A medical technologist performing routine blood analysis as part of an inpatient’s assessment is examining the sample in a test tube following processing in a centrifuge and the addition of an anticoagulant. Which observation would the technologist most likely interpret as an anomaly?
Read DetailsFollowing a spider bite she received while camping, a 20-yea…
Following a spider bite she received while camping, a 20-year-old female presented to the emergency department with rash, edema, and fever and was subsequently diagnosed with serum sickness. Which statement best conveys the physiologic rationale for the broad systemic effects of this event?
Read DetailsA school-age child with a history of asthma has brought a no…
A school-age child with a history of asthma has brought a note home from school stating there has been one case of meningitis (Neisseria meningitidis) in the school. Since the mother is a respiratory therapist, she is very concerned since she knows the portal of entry of this pathogen is:
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