Clark Kent was injured while saving Lois Lane (again). He wa…
Clark Kent was injured while saving Lois Lane (again). He was on bed rest for two weeks and today is his first day back training with you, his exercise physiologist. You are starting him out with a very light aerobic workout: walk at 67 m/min at a 1.5% grade for 45 minutes. Enter the energy expenditure in terms of VO2 ml/kg/min. Round to the nearest whole number and do not include units in your answer. Equations:Age predicted maximum heart rate = 220 – age Intensity: Percent of age predicted heart rate maximum = (220 – age) × (% intensity ÷ 100) Heart rate reserve = (HRmax/peak – HRrest) × (% intensity ÷ 100) + HRrest VO2 Reserve = (VO2max/peak – VO2rest) × (% intensity ÷ 100) + VO2rest Metabolic Equations: Walking: VO2 = 3.5 + (0.1 × speed) + (1.8 × speed × grade) Jogging: VO2 = 3.5 + (0.2 × speed) + (0.9 × speed × grade)
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