The basic meaning of the word baptizo is “_________.” The basic meaning of the word baptizo is “_________.” Read Details
Proponents of ______ usually point to the flood as an explan… Proponents of ______ usually point to the flood as an explanation of _______ Read Details
Match the description of a form of church government with th… Match the description of a form of church government with the correct term. Read Details
Would argue that the Scripture distinguishes between man’s s… Would argue that the Scripture distinguishes between man’s soul and spirit. Read Details
Proponents of ______ usually point to the flood as an explan… Proponents of ______ usually point to the flood as an explanation of _______ Read Details
Would argue that the Scripture distinguishes between man’s s… Would argue that the Scripture distinguishes between man’s soul and spirit. Read Details
Which statement is a theological problem (as opposed to a sc… Which statement is a theological problem (as opposed to a scientific problem) with any form of theistic evolution? Read Details
Most likely to argue that the terms soul and spirit are inte… Most likely to argue that the terms soul and spirit are interchangeable. Read Details
_________ teaches that all of mankind received a sin nature… _________ teaches that all of mankind received a sin nature from Adam, but that God condemns people for their own sin, not Adam’s. Read Details
________ typically maintains a sharp distinction between the… ________ typically maintains a sharp distinction between the church and national Israel. Read Details