Bonus question Provide an efficient stepwise synthesis for t…
Bonus question Provide an efficient stepwise synthesis for the following. The answer should be entered as in the following example: (this is an example!) 1. NaNH2 2. CH3CH2Br 3. H2, Lindlar’s Cat. 4. BH3, THF 5. H2O2, NaOH (Keep three spaces between each step) All chemicals and reagents structures should be correct and with the proper sequence. No partial credit.
Read DetailsBonus question A compound with molecular formula C9H10O2 exh…
Bonus question A compound with molecular formula C9H10O2 exhibits a triplet at d 1.2 (3H), a quartet at d 2.6 (2H), a doublet at d 7.3 (2H), a doublet at d 8.0 (2H) and a singlet at d 11 (1H) in its 1H NMR spectrum. Provide the IUPAC name of the structure that matches the above information.
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