You are offered a job for less money than you had expected b…
You are offered a job for less money than you had expected based on your clinical experience. Which of the following comments might reflect a positive attitude that you are interested in the job but expect greater compensation?
Read DetailsClassify the following organism based on the information pro…
Classify the following organism based on the information provided. What is its domain, kingdom, phylum, and class? Field Notes: Collected in a small pond.Laboratory Analysis: Size: Length 1.2 feet Mass: 5 pounds Body: Pale orange Symmetry: Bilateral Body Cavity: Coelom present Cephalization: Present Germ Layers: Three Segmentation: Present (reduced) Digestive System: Complete Reproduction: Sexual (male) Circulatory System: Present Organs: Present Skeleton: Endoskeleton (bone) Notes: Body covered in scales Paired fins Jaws Swim bladder
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