Assume this is a handwritten note in a young person’s file. …
Assume this is a handwritten note in a young person’s file. There may be a mistake in the following professional documentation entry. Choose the answer below which BEST describes the documentation: Hector was observed hitting the young person (ST) on the shoulder. When approached, Hector shouted, “she had no right to touch my radio.” Staff member (TJ) separated the two youth and counseled each individually. Staff member (TJ) then met with them together to work out a solution. Both youth reported being satisfied with the solution and shook hands.
Read DetailsA Practitioner goes home and talks with her spouse who works…
A Practitioner goes home and talks with her spouse who works at another facility at which a child under the Practitioner’s care is being placed. The child has been accepted and is awaiting a bed. The information shared causes problems in placing the child at the new facility. This is _____.
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