Identify the term referring to the five sung portions of the… Identify the term referring to the five sung portions of the Mass for which the texts are always the same. Read Details
This composer is associated with the terms “atonal music,” “… This composer is associated with the terms “atonal music,” “Sprechstimme,” “Expressionism,” and “twelve-tone composition”. Read Details
This is the symphony Beethoven initially dedicated to Napole… This is the symphony Beethoven initially dedicated to Napoleon Bonaparte but changed his mind at the last minute. Read Details
Find the statement NOT true of program music. Find the statement NOT true of program music. Read Details
This high, soprano-like voice is produced by adult male sing… This high, soprano-like voice is produced by adult male singers when they sing in head voice and not in full chest voice. Read Details
This genre established in the Baroque opens with a section c… This genre established in the Baroque opens with a section called the “exposition”. Read Details
All of the terms are applicable to the style of Baroque art,… All of the terms are applicable to the style of Baroque art, architecture, and music with the exception of: Read Details
The Classical period spans the years between ___________. The Classical period spans the years between ___________. Read Details
The literal definition of this term is “same sounding”. The literal definition of this term is “same sounding”. Read Details