4. A person touches a sharp pin. The diagram s…
4. A person touches a sharp pin. The diagram shows the reflex arc involved in the response to this stimulus. Right-click on the following button to open Figure 4.1 4.1.1 Name the parts labelled A, B, C and D. [partA] [partB] [partC] [partD] (4)
Read Details8.3 Chips are cooked by frying them in lipid (oil). Some o…
8.3 Chips are cooked by frying them in lipid (oil). Some of this lipid is left on the surface of the chips after cooking. The diagram shows three different shaped chips from the same potato. Each chip has the same mass. Right-click on the button below to open Fig 8.3
Read Details5.5 Plants need to absorb mineral ions from the soil to en…
5.5 Plants need to absorb mineral ions from the soil to enable them to produce other biological molecules. Complete the table by giving the missing information. Mineral ion absorbed Biological molecule produced magnesium [answer1] [answer2] protein (2)
Read Details9.9 A celery stalk was placed into a beaker of blue dye. W…
9.9 A celery stalk was placed into a beaker of blue dye. When the dye reached the leaves, the stalk was taken out and a section was cut, as shown in the diagram Right-click on the blue button to open Fig 9.9(a) Which diagram shows the appearance of the cut end of the stalk? (1) Right-click on the blue button to open Fig 9.9(b) to see your options.
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