Modern artists such as Aldous Huxley (Brave New World) and C… Modern artists such as Aldous Huxley (Brave New World) and Charlie Chaplin (Modern Times) predicted a future in which technology would lead to less oppression and more individual freedom. Read Details
The most common type of public relations is done in-house by… The most common type of public relations is done in-house by individual companies and organizations. Read Details
Between 1948 and 1952, hundreds of new licenses were issued… Between 1948 and 1952, hundreds of new licenses were issued to construct and operate TV stations in the United States. Read Details
Under the 1998 tobacco settlement, all of the major cigarett… Under the 1998 tobacco settlement, all of the major cigarette companies agreed to pull their advertising from general audience magazines that had young readers. Read Details
Frederick Douglass’s North Star was an antislavery paper pub… Frederick Douglass’s North Star was an antislavery paper published by a former slave. Read Details
In the late 1950s, singer Little Richard stopped performing… In the late 1950s, singer Little Richard stopped performing rock and roll because he believed it was the “devil’s music.” Read Details
Publicity is information a person, company, or institution p… Publicity is information a person, company, or institution pays to have published or broadcast in the news media. Read Details
In the late 1950s, singer Little Richard stopped performing… In the late 1950s, singer Little Richard stopped performing rock and roll because he believed it was the “devil’s music.” Read Details
Between 1948 and 1952, hundreds of new licenses were issued… Between 1948 and 1952, hundreds of new licenses were issued to construct and operate TV stations in the United States. Read Details
After agreeing to a costly settlement with several states in… After agreeing to a costly settlement with several states in 1998, the tobacco industry reduced its advertising spending to almost zero that year. Read Details