Biomechanics provides an objective way of analyzing the effe… Biomechanics provides an objective way of analyzing the effects of forces and postures on the body Read Details
The goal of work physiology is to mainly ensure worker can p… The goal of work physiology is to mainly ensure worker can perform task safely Read Details
Which one in the below is a fatigue failure-based risk asses… Which one in the below is a fatigue failure-based risk assessment tool Read Details
A primary consideration in selecting a hand tool is whether… A primary consideration in selecting a hand tool is whether or not it has been classified as a “universal ergonomically acceptable” hand tool? Read Details
Clothes & environment have no impact on anthropometric decis… Clothes & environment have no impact on anthropometric decisions Read Details
US States or territories mandate/require an ergonomics progr… US States or territories mandate/require an ergonomics program at all workplaces Read Details
There is no such thing as a “One best” ergonomic chair There is no such thing as a “One best” ergonomic chair Read Details
The difference between exercise physiology and work physiolo… The difference between exercise physiology and work physiology is Read Details
Fatigue failure theory (Dr. Gallagher) appears to provide a… Fatigue failure theory (Dr. Gallagher) appears to provide a “framework” for all significant physical musculoskeletal disorder risk factors Read Details
The three types of muscle tissue are skeletal, cardiac and s… The three types of muscle tissue are skeletal, cardiac and smooth. Read Details