The longest reigning European monarch is ___________________… The longest reigning European monarch is ___________________. Read Details
What illness did Queen Elizabeth I suffer from that made her… What illness did Queen Elizabeth I suffer from that made her vainer about her appearance as a result of scarring? Read Details
Louis XIV considered himself the ultimate arbiter of fashion… Louis XIV considered himself the ultimate arbiter of fashion and style. Read Details
What was the name in France for the elaborate style of headd… What was the name in France for the elaborate style of headdress known as a commode in England? Read Details
A popular sleeve for women in the last part of the 17th cent… A popular sleeve for women in the last part of the 17th century that was paned and tied in a series of puffs. Read Details
Part of this time period was considered the __ Golden Age. … Part of this time period was considered the __ Golden Age. During which time they had a monopoly on trade with Japan. Read Details
Silks with pomegranates and artichoke patterns did not remai… Silks with pomegranates and artichoke patterns did not remain popular in the 17th century. Read Details
Louis XIV considered himself the ultimate arbiter of fashion… Louis XIV considered himself the ultimate arbiter of fashion and style. Read Details
What two fibers were most commonly used to make men’s hosier… What two fibers were most commonly used to make men’s hosiery in the 17th century? Read Details