A written summary of the history of all conveyances and lega… A written summary of the history of all conveyances and legal proceedings affecting a specific parcel of real estate is called Read Details
A house sells for $215,000. The listing brokerage receives a… A house sells for $215,000. The listing brokerage receives a 6% commission on the sale. How much does the listing brokerage receive? Read Details
To serve as public notice, a deed is recorded in the To serve as public notice, a deed is recorded in the Read Details
As a legal description, “the northwest ¼ of the southwest ¼… As a legal description, “the northwest ¼ of the southwest ¼ of Section 6, Township 4 North, Range 7 West” is defective because it contains no reference to Read Details
What is a commission of 5% on a sales price of $250,000? What is a commission of 5% on a sales price of $250,000? Read Details
The type of real estate ownership that is MOST inclusive is… The type of real estate ownership that is MOST inclusive is a Read Details
A house sold for $180,000 and the buyer obtained an FHA-insu… A house sold for $180,000 and the buyer obtained an FHA-insured mortgage loan for $120,000. If the lender charged two discount points, the buyer would pay Read Details
If a farm described as “the NW¼ of the SEI/4 of Section 10,… If a farm described as “the NW¼ of the SEI/4 of Section 10, Township 2 North, Range 3 West of the 6th. P.M.” sold for $4,500 an acre, what was the total sales price? Read Details
Which of the following is NOT an example of governmental pow… Which of the following is NOT an example of governmental power? Read Details