It is the prevailing scientific viewpoint that the Solar Sys…
It is the prevailing scientific viewpoint that the Solar System, at one point in its development, consisted of a protostar centered on a thin protoplanetary disk. In the second stage, it eventually it developed into a central star, four similar inner protoplanets, a band of ‘leftover’ planetesimals, and four similar outer protoplanets. 1. In your own words, describe the original properties of this proto-star/proto-planetary disk. 2. Then provide a full description in a clear, complete manner how the prevailing scientific theory explains this transformation. (remember to provide a clear, complete discussion!). 3. Finish up by describing the properties of the resulting structure (vaguely described above as a “central star, four similar inner planets, a band of ‘leftover’ planetesimals, and four similar outer planets”). 15 Points
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