An additional factor in how an element is rendered is that… An additional factor in how an element is rendered is that properties are passed from a parent element to its children in a process known as _____. Read Details
The @import rule has the same impact as adding multiple ____… The @import rule has the same impact as adding multiple _____ elements to a Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) file. Read Details
Which of the following properties prevents the spanning of… Which of the following properties prevents the spanning of content across all the columns? Read Details
To direct a style rule to specific elements, _____ can be us… To direct a style rule to specific elements, _____ can be used to match only those page elements that correspond to a specified pattern. Read Details
A data entry control is associated with a _____ in which da… A data entry control is associated with a _____ in which data values supplied by the user are stored. Read Details
Which of the following methods is used to determine the day… Which of the following methods is used to determine the day of the week on which a month starts? Read Details
get and post are two possible values for the _____ attribute… get and post are two possible values for the _____ attribute. Read Details
Web pages are accessed through a software program called a… Web pages are accessed through a software program called a _____. Read Details
In Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) every printed page is define… In Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) every printed page is defined as a _____. Read Details
The _____ element is used to mark the form controls that are… The _____ element is used to mark the form controls that are designed to receive user responses. Read Details