Especially in the middle sections of the synoptic Gospels, J… Especially in the middle sections of the synoptic Gospels, Jesus frequently Read Details
What is the Christian doctrine of the Trinity? What is the Christian doctrine of the Trinity? Read Details
In Matthew 4, how does Jesus respond when tempted by the Dev… In Matthew 4, how does Jesus respond when tempted by the Devil? Read Details
The half-value layer of lead is 0.27 mm for Tc99m. A dose g… The half-value layer of lead is 0.27 mm for Tc99m. A dose generates 5300 mR/hr before being shielded. What will be the exposure rate after the dose is placed in a shield made with 0.90 mm of lead? Read Details
A Co57 check source with an activity of 0.05 uCi is permanen… A Co57 check source with an activity of 0.05 uCi is permanently attached to a Geiger counter. If Γ=0.56 R·cm2 /mCi ·hr at 1 cm, what is the exposure rate to a technologist who sits 30 cm (about 1 ft) from the unshielded source? Read Details
If a source produces an exposure rate of 350 mrem/hr at 3 in… If a source produces an exposure rate of 350 mrem/hr at 3 inches from the surface, what is the exposure rate at 36 inches? Read Details