What are some problems associated with NTDs? What are some problems associated with NTDs? Read Details
These tiny intracellular Gram-negative bacteria are transmi… These tiny intracellular Gram-negative bacteria are transmitted via arthropods like fleas and ticks. They are the causative agent for Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever and Typhus. Read Details
You are staining a Gram-positive bacterium and forgot the mo… You are staining a Gram-positive bacterium and forgot the mordant step (but continued with the rest of the procedure). What result do you expect at the end of the Gram stain? Read Details
This structure is used to classify bacteria into groups. This structure is used to classify bacteria into groups. Read Details
Which of the following is an important role algae play in th… Which of the following is an important role algae play in the environment? Read Details
This NTD is characterized by the swelling of the eyelid know… This NTD is characterized by the swelling of the eyelid known as Romana’s sign. The swelling is due to exposure to bug feces containing the microbe. Read Details
You treat eukaryotic cells with a drug that can affect smoot… You treat eukaryotic cells with a drug that can affect smooth ER function. Which of the following could be observed in these treated cells? Read Details
These algae have filaments that contain the pigment chloroph… These algae have filaments that contain the pigment chlorophyll and make up pond scum. Read Details
Most bacteria have defined morphologies. One type of morphol… Most bacteria have defined morphologies. One type of morphology is pictured here. Read Details
The cell walls of protozoa consist of _________________. The cell walls of protozoa consist of _________________. Read Details