Which one of the following amino acids is a sulfur containin… Which one of the following amino acids is a sulfur containing amino acid? Read Details
In birds, food passes through the proventriculus before ente… In birds, food passes through the proventriculus before entering the gizzard. Read Details
Besides GTP, CO2, and NADH, another important final product… Besides GTP, CO2, and NADH, another important final product of the Krebs Cycle is __________________. (A) Pyruvate (B) Acetyl Co-enzyme A(C) FADH2(D) Glucose (E) CO2 Read Details
Which one of the following amino acid is a branched chain am… Which one of the following amino acid is a branched chain amino acid?(A) Isoleucine(B) Lysine(C) Methionine(D) Tryptophan(E) Tyrosine Read Details
In general, animal cannot synthesize vitamins, but some vita… In general, animal cannot synthesize vitamins, but some vitamins such as vitamins K and B12 can be synthesized by animal GI microorganisms. Read Details
Hemicellulose is a polysaccharides that contain the followin… Hemicellulose is a polysaccharides that contain the following sugar units in its polymer chain. A. Xylose B. Arabinose C. Galactose D. Only A and B E. All A, B, and C Read Details
The first enzyme that is needed for the first step of TCA cy… The first enzyme that is needed for the first step of TCA cycle is ___________________________. A. Read Details
Where does the pyruvate dehydrogenase pathway take place? … Where does the pyruvate dehydrogenase pathway take place? In mitochondria In cytosol In smooth endoplasmic reticulum In both mitochondria and cytosol In both mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum Read Details
Which one of the following amino acids is a ketogenic amino… Which one of the following amino acids is a ketogenic amino acid?(A) Leucine(B) Methionine(C) Valine(D) Serine(E) Alanine Read Details
How many CO2 molecules are generated from one Krebs cycle? T… How many CO2 molecules are generated from one Krebs cycle? The answer is _____. Read Details